How It Works

Our VoIP Virtual Access System or Voicemail allows residents to create and provide an audio/voice message directly to their guest list for the guard’s review in the Visitor Management System. These messages add a layer of accountability for residents, guests, and security officers utilizing the security gate software.

This Visitor Management software add-on voice system works exclusively with voice over IP through cloud-based services to eliminate the need for any phone lines. This allows the security gate software to receive multiple phone calls with one telephone number. These calls also land directly on the resident’s guest list in the Visitor Management Software adding even greater efficiency.


Virtual Access is completely configurable so you can establish rules as to the class of guests (permanent, delivery, service), and the available range of future dates.

Virtual Access

Virtual Access Systems


  • Ability to add one phone number that can process multiple resident’s calls
  • Ability to add up to 24 simultaneous incoming channels
  • Language Options (namely, Spanish and English)
Residential security gate solutions

Gated Residential Software



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To contact us, please call us at (772) 878-7929 or fill out the form below and a representative will reach out to you shortly.

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